Six years my love; You have been mine -
To hold, and cherish for all that time.
Our love has grown ever strong;
Daily, Hourly, and Lifelong...
We couldn't know - so ever long ago,
How much we'd change, Or
How much we'd grow...
We couldn't fathom at that time,
How our selfishness would come to light -
Battling over who was right...
Seventy-two months; You have been mine -
A friend, a lover, a Valentine.
You've put your childhood things away,
Replacing them with long work days...
I see you sweat, and worry so -
All out of love, Your pastimes forego...
How much we've changed; How little we were prepared...
After all this time; My love for you, has me ensnared.
Two thousand, one hundred and ninety-one days; You have been mine -
Caring for our family; Keeping our budget in a guideline.
We've fought, and yelled - laughed and cried;
Learned to not be enemies; but instead, allies.
It never occurred how we could be consumed;
By the instant love of a child, inside my womb...
A life created, Love Multiplied...
Teaching us; what's important in life.
Fifty-two thousand, five hundred and ninety-four hours; You have been mine -
A sprout was our love, created under God's design.
Husband, and Wife - we have been...
Father and Mother... for the third time, again!
When we stepped down from the alter,
We didnt have a plan -
It would have been wise; But with that,
Where's the adventure? Where is the surprise!
I've counted the years, months, days, and hours; You have been mine -
My best friend beside me; Two souls; combined.
Thank you for the journey. Thank you for all the years;
I love you always, and forever, my dear.
- <3 -
Happy 6th Anniversary Nathan!
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