Monday, January 6, 2014

Open Letter to UPS and USPS

Dear UPS and USPS -

I appreciate that you work hard, and deliver my packages intact, and are punctual 98% of the time. I sincerely love both of your businesses and I will continue to use your services.

However; your customer relations are severely lacking; especially when businesses ask one of you to deliver a package to the other and eventually to the intended recipient. When this happens and there is an issue in the delivery - BOTH of you do not accept ANY blame and refuse to work with the customer (i.e. ME).

I informed you both that despite your records, I did NOT receive one of a two part package... and the package I did receive was torn, bent, and the contents were scratched. Neither of you could do anything about it and just short of accused me of lying... because of your precious records (I am mainly talking about YOU, USPS) ...

Thankfully; the folks at VistaPrint believed me and sent me a replacement of not only my missing order BUT my damaged order as well. And low and behold; I received an email weeks later... from UPS, to my work email address... about a box of business cards found with my name and work email on them.. asking if they were mine and if I could please give the original tracking number as verification (even though my email and information wasnt enough)

So, I did just that... and my business cards from November are FINALLY on their way.

And this ends my Open Letter to you, UPS AND USPS, letting you know I am not a liar, I did NOT receive one of my packages in two parts... and your "assurance" that I did in fact receive my packages was wrong... and I have the emails/correspondence to prove it.

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