Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Family Conference

I stared down the metaphorical barrel of my father's shotgun. *Gulp* I sat there at the dinning room table, waiting... watching my parents seat themselves across from me.What did I do now? Oh man... they never pull just me alone in here unless they want to discuss something important or... something I did wrong....

My father folded his hands. *Click* He cocked the shotgun... My mother folded her arms... Sweat began to roll down my forehead... beads following each other became a waterfall, and as my vision blurred, I heard my mother say: "Lanora, we have something to discuss with you." He raised the gun between my eyes. *Gulp* Father who art in Heaven, hallow be thy name.... I winced...

"We want to discuss, the different options you have to finish High School." I opened one eye, and raised and eyebrow... *Eh?* "We know you don't like your current one, so would you like to go to a different High School, or a Charter School, online?"

So, I get to choose, for myself, where I want to finished school, and an option is to stay home, and do all of my work over the computer? "Yes. Basically." My mother sat there patiently, awaiting my reply... My Father still sat at the end of the table, hands folded perfectly still, like a human made of stone. I couldn't believe it. I was being given the choice to not only choose my own School, but stay home in my pajamas, and mess around on a laptop... all day long. HA! Halleluiah! Fireworks went off all around me. I felt like Marty McFly, taking off his woven poncho and revealing a cast-iron shield, unbeknownst to his enemy! I dodged the bullet of my ultimate demise! I was invincible!! I am invincible!!!

*Eh-hrm* I heard my father, under his breath.... Oh, wait.... Reality struck me over the head. Yea, not invincible... just mortal... with a really cool choice in front of me....

I didn't know it at the time, but that moment, was a moment that would define me, and lead me on a path to my future.... the future I know now. My choice to finished High School online, changed who I was, who I am... and changed the way I view the world. It changed the way I view my youth, and the way I want to raise my own children. It allowed me to have so many life experiences others did not have, but it also took away experiences others had and I did not.... but I will never forget the moment, when my parents sat me down, and gave me the choice to decide for myself, my own future. Looking back, I find this moment, and I realize the trust and respect I was given to make my own choices. So thanks Mom and Dad, not only for the many life lessons, but for giving me that opportunity. It had a bigger impact than I, or yourselves realized....

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